Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Decisions, Decisions

How do you decide what to take across the world with you when you move?  We were offered an "allowance" for moving and with that we had to decide exactly how we wanted to get our stuff from Arizona to New Zealand. 

We decided that since our decorating style for the past 8 years has been a fusion of college dorm chic and we've-got-kids, that it would probably be best to jettison our older, junkier stuff than to spend $15,000 to move stuff that was not worth half of that (which was more than our allowance was anyway).  So, we spent some money on packing up a crate about the size of a car and purchasing some stuff here. 

We're calling our new decor "minimalist." 

Anyhow, when I was unpacking I was curious to see what had made it over here.  We packed up the first week of November, and now, the third week of January, it was hard to remember exactly what was in there. 

First priority on moving was kids stuff.  I know that toys are expensive over here, and I wanted my kids to have their stuff that they love and play with.  It was awesome to watch them rediscovering their treasures.  It was Christmas all over again.

Next, we packed up kitchen appliances that are triple or more the cost here to use, along with an electrical transformer box so we could actually use them.  We also packed the best of our clothes, quilts made my my grandmothers, sentimental heirloom-y stuff, and one really nice piece of furniture that we could fit in the crate. 

Here are some things that also made it:

  • Three boxes of books.  I had to really cull through my collection.  My most favorites are here.  I ended up taking about 10 or 11 big boxes of books to Goodwill.

  • Kids artwork, and random treasures.  Including a hat made by a good friend for Seth when he was born.

  • The unfinished cross-stitched family portrait.  You can't see it, but there is a needle dangling out of it.

  • My favorite froggie bowl and cup that my Aunt Danna gave me when Seth was born.

  • A glass dish.  From New Zealand.  Bringing it back home, baby!
And the funniest thing I brought. . .

  • This particular item has also been to Europe, Canada, through the West Coast. . .

. . . my transparent, frayed, slightly pink from a wash with something else Morrissey T-shirt.  I might need to frame this one!

I can't wait to sift through the clothing boxes.  I'm pretty sure a knee-high pair of woolen Waikato socks are in there, which will come in handy soon!



  1. I know that piece of kid's artwork! :) I often wondered what I would take with me if I had to move across the country. Tough looks like you made some good ones. :)

    ...and btw....every time MM Clubhouse is on I think of you! :) I'll have to send you a video of Spencer dancing the HD dance. :)

  2. Aww I was about to say you have a piece of Jessi over there with you!
